Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Black Hole

I am absolutely convinced that there is a tiny black hole permanently anchored to aidan's crib. We have probably gone through 20 binkies, and they continue to disappear. So either she is eating them (not likely), or there is a black hole under her crib that no binky can escape from. I think it sucks up sippy cups too, we just got Carsyn a 4 pack of sippy cups, and we are down to 1. I have searched the apartment very thoroughly, it's not that big, and i can't find the sippy cups or binkies. So hopefully I can keep track of these last 2 binkies and the last sippy cup, cuz i don't want to have to keep buying them. We don't have a Walmart or Winco close by where i can get them cheap, all we have here is a Fred Meyer. Thankyou for reading and have a nice day!!