Monday, September 6, 2010

gone with the wind

I just finished Gone With the Wind. Never read it before, never seen the movie. First 1000 pages? Amazing. Outstanding. Couldn't put the book down. Last 50 pages? WTF Margaret Mitchell? That was the worst ending EVER! I was so angry, if that book wasn't so old, I would have thrown it across the room. I did not want it to end that way! The way M.M. goes into detail about the characters, it was like I knew them. And now I don't know if I can watch the movie, cuz I don't want to go through that ending again, and I don't know if any actor/actress can play the characters I have visualized in my head. I don't think they can live up to the standard M.M. has written. But why on earth did it have to end like that? It's still a great book, and I probably will watch the movie, (but I am expecting to be disappointed) I just was holding out hope that there would be a happy ending for someone. Anyways. Now to find something else to read!!